From: John Barbie [] Sent: Monday, April 26, 2004 1:53 PM To: Subject: The Famed Balboa Yatch Club Hi again, It hasnīt been long since our last email so this will be brief but we do think it is a landmark to have reached the Panama Canal. Actually upon entering the canal and looking for The Balboa Yatch Club (we still canīt figure out where the Club part comes in) we almost missed it and were about to go under The Bridge of the Americas which would have been a $1000 fine. Fortunately we recognized so many boats in the anchorage before the bridge that we did a few U-turns and discovered we had reached our final destination. Our trip from Golfito began plodding against the current at 1 mile an hour for 10 miles with a lightning storm approaching. It took 2 hours to watch a tree pass on adjacent land and much less to get drenched by rain. Thatīs when I decided that on our next journey south we will buy vespas and probably make better time... We spent the next 5 days in windless seas littered with large freighters and blanketed by humid rain bearing clouds. Fortunately our new video camera kept us entertained and John spent the better part of 5 days filming each and every freighter that passed (some daringly close). On our approach to Panama City we wove through a parking lot of freighters and made it to our final destination, the Balboa Yatch Club where apart from cold drinks and cold showers, has absolutely no amenities. We have already attacked the streets of this unquestionably unique city with voracity. We love the old colonial neighborhood which has stood the test of time but unfortunately without the same affluence prominent when the buildings were erected in the late 1800s. It is strange to see epic hotels converted into housing projects and colonial churches used as basketball courts. Of course John wants to buy a building thus becoming a true īslumlord' by riding the coat-tails of my Panamanian dual citizenship. We hope to get a chance to visit some of the country side which is home to native Indians, Spanish, Swiss, French, Africans (you name it, the influence is here). If we donīt succeed weīll return in a few years with a metal detector because John wants to find hidden Inca treasures buried by pirates like Scott and Drake. Did I say it would be a short email? I guess I type as much as I talk. My apologies and I wish I could send photos to back up my observations. We will be transiting the canal in about a week and then we are shooting north to Honduras and Belize. Regards from Panama, Ruth, John, and Spot (now healed and on four legs) __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Photos: High-quality 4x6 digital prints for 25Ē